When is the best time to arrange your own funeral?
Now is the best time to arrange your own funeral, because …
- You can choose the type of funeral you would like instead of leaving your family to guess; you will be saving your family the worry and the expense at such an emotional and distressing time
- You will avoid price increases and inflation; you are securing the cost of the funeral director’s services at today’s prices
- Like making a Will, it is too easy to put off; if you don’t do it now, the chances are you may never get around to doing it
- There is no age limit and no awkward health questions; guaranteed acceptance
There are two options …
We will note your wishes and keep these details on our files. We will send you a letter of confirmation to give to your relatives or executor. The funeral can be paid for at the time of need by your family or from your estate in the usual way.
You choose the style of service required and pay for it now at today’s price. We guarantee to provide our services when required at no extra cost. All payments are held in the Golden Charter Trust or a UK-based life assurance company.
Click here to find our more about our funeral plans